Rate Case Successes

Since its inception, the NYECC has been instrumental in Con Edison electricity, steam and gas rate cases as an active party. In the last decade, intervention in the rate cases have resulted in savings (avoided rate increases) have exceeded $6 billion.

2022 Con Edison Steam Rate Cases

Please review the Steam Rate Case Summary. The NYECC is an active party in this Steam Rate Case.  Please check back for further updates.

2022 Con Edison Electric and Gas Rate Cases

NYECC’s Filed Testimony for Electric and Gas

Electric, Direct Testimony of Andy Anderson - 5/20/2022

Natural Gas, Direct Testimony of Andy Anderson - 5/20/2022

Please click on the Rate Case Summaries below for information on the current Con Edison electricity and gas rate cases. The parties, including the NYECC, are currently conducting confidential settlement negotiations. Further information will be released as it becomes public.
2022 Rate Case Summary — [4/29/22]

2022 Rate Case Summary — [3/16/22]

2019 Rate Case Highlights:

The NYECC had a seat at the table in the 2019 rate case that determined Con Edison rates for 2020 through 2023.  The NYECC was a signatory on the Joint Proposal – the settlement represented savings to rate payers over the three-year term of the Rate Plans of more than $1 Billion in the electric rate case and more than $381 million in the gas rate case from the original amounts requested by Con Edison.